Connecting those who need help with
those who want to help


Create a Task

Your first step would be creating a task that you need help in. You may either select an on call session or a stepwise instruction option.

Select a Solver

Solvers around the globe will apply to solve your task and you can pick and choose as per your set budget and requirements.

Have your solution

Once the Solver has been appointed you can get your solution through step wise instructions or an on call session.At the end of your session, you will have the opportunity to rate the Solver and give any feedback!


Search a task

After signing up on the platform as a Solver, you will be given an opportunity to help students with their school related work once you've completed your profile and have set up your payment information to receive payments.

Apply for a task

After a suitable task is discovered, you can apply and wait for the student to accept you request.

Send solution

Once you have been chosen by a student, you can either send a solution through our step-wise feature, or provide a solution through a 1 on 1 call.